FKT Attempts We're Tracking

FKT attempts we're tracking right now. (Tap each to expand.)

  • You do not need to inform us in advance (except for Premier Routes).
  • We do suggest you post your intentions in a comment on the route page.
  • Live tracking is optional, and we’ll only add it to this “Tracking Now” area for efforts expected to be longer than 24 hours (you can also post your tracker info in comments on the route).
  • Our 10 Premier Routes (see Guidelines) require you to announce your attempt in advance, and live tracking is strongly recommended.
Candice Burt on Arizona Trail (AZ)
In progress

31.3334535, -110.2828534

Athlete: Candice Burt
Start date:
Style: Supported
Status: In progress

Candice Burt set out Monday for the FKT (Fastest Known Time) attempt on the 800 mile Arizona Trail!  

Link for tracking ⬇️