FKT: Joseph Zons - Des Plaines River Trail (IL) - 2021-04-18

Route variation
Lake County section
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
4h 35m 21s
GPS track(s)

I have previously run every mile of the DPRT in Lake County prior to this run, but never all in one shot.  Carried my 5 gels, 3 water bottles, and 1 PBJ with me to do this one unsupported after getting dropped off at the star on Lake Cook Road.  Dialed back the pace to enjoy the run but ran low on fluids and the last 5 miles were rough - maybe I should not have run the 10 miles the previous day!  This is a great trail for those who have never done this.

Not too fast for me today but it was about the mileage not the speed.