FKT: Mindy Lehmann, Keith Sardone - Tupper Lake Triad (NY) - 2023-02-03

Route variation
open course - winter
Gender category
Mixed-gender team
Start date
Finish date
Total time
2h 52m 47s

I'd like to submit this FKT as a winter route standard. 

The Tupper lake triad standard route winter is recognized by Tupper lake as a separate effort from the summer.  An FKT should be fun for people to challenge and accomplish in all seasons  

Trip report:

Keith and I started at Mt.Arab. Then went to Mt.Goodman, and ended with Mt.Coney. 

Conditions:  -15 feels like -38 degrees Fahrenheit. Winds 14.7mi/h from WNW.  We finished just before the sunset on Coney. Needed snowshoes.

Rewarmed ourself and gear in the car. Snacked on some gummies. Base layer, puffy, and snow pants needed.