FKT: Greg Nance - Montreal - YUL (QC, Canada) - 2019-08-29

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Finish date
Total time
1h 29m 56s

Trip report from Instagram:

Montreal FKT is in the books! ??? Covered 21.5km from the Airport onto Notre Dame Basilica for a Fastest Known Time of 1:29:55. Lots of road work and construction along the route so felt like a trail run. First time in the city and a really memorable way to soak it in ??? For the last three years I’ve been doing tough calisthenics workouts on flights. I rested during the ~18 hours of flying from China so by the time I arrived in Montreal legs were rearing to go. Amazing how adaptable our mind and body is and how focused training pushes us beyond previous frontiers ???