Route: Caminho Português (Lisbon – Santiago de Compostela) (Portugal - Spain)

Submitted by scalariev on Tue, 11/07/2023 - 01:35pm
A Coruña, ES
620 km
Vertical Gain
6,500 m

The full Portugues Santiago from Lisbon to Santiago de Compostela. 
Coastal way from Porto through Tui.

There are a lot of variations of Camino. There are numerous main points of interest in particular direction. But the pilgirim always has to choose a way of his own.
For example, there are at least three big forks of The Way – Fatima/Tomar, Coastal/Central way after Porto and Coastal/Central way in Spain.

Moreover, there are even more little forks here and along the way, up to the very last kilometres of the route (there is literally a fork 3kms before the finish Cathedral, one is 1km longer than the other). Mostly every single branch of the way is marked, although not evenly thorough.

It is pretty much difficult to find full network of routes available, as they differ from one traveler to another. So it’s generally unlikely to find a single one to check with. For these reasons, the athlete can choose the path that finds more convenient to link the start to the end of this route.

GPS Track
track_1.gpx21.55 MB