Route: New Peak, Red Rock NCA (NV)

Nevada, US
2.5 mi

New Peak is the less popular peak that sits just west of the famous Kraft Mountain. Although having a higher summit, New Peak is a pile of limestone choss that pales in comparison to its savvy solid sandstone scrambling paradise of a neighbor in Kraft. New Peak is rarely summited but there is a register on top, and an easy social trail to follow to the peak. It goes at a chossy 2nd class with a bit of exposure along the summit ridge. I have completed a loop out of it but this one is most efficiently done as an out-back if speed is the only consideration as the exit off the other side is further from any trail head. 
This is one of the many prominent small mountains that make up the Calico Basin/Calico Hills area of Red Rocks.
2.46mi, 1,263' vert.
- Submitted by Chris Gorney

GPS Track